P.O. Box 1776, Sebastopol, CA 95473 (7120 Bodega Av. Sebastopol., CA 95472)
Phone (707) 823-7863 Fax (707) 823-1135

General Business Information

Mailing Address same as Business Address

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Does your business require permits from other agencies?* Yes No

Has there been or will there be any tenant improvements associated with the proposed business? * Yes No  


Does your business store or use hazardous material or generate hazardous waste?* Yes No Out of what type of space does your business operate?* Residential Commercial
Are you the property owner* Yes No
Do you see clients as part of your business* Yes No  
Fire alarm?* Yes No Does the building have fire sprinklers?* Yes No

Please check all that are located at this business:*
Night Light
Alley Light
Rear Door
Rear Window
Bars on Window(s)
Sleeper on Premises
Private Security Company
Sky Light

Formula Business Checklist

Is the business an office, tax preparation service, bank or credit union?* Yes No

Is the business to be located in any of the following shopping centers?* Yes No
  • Redwood Marketplace (700‐800 Gravenstein Highway North)
  • Fiesta Shopping Center (500‐660 Gravenstein Highway North)
  • Gravenstein Square (950‐980 Gravenstein Highway South)
  • Southpoint Shopping Center (775‐801 Gravenstein Highway South)

Is the business space 10,000 square feet or less in size? * Yes No

Please indicate if the business will include features that may make it substantially similar or identical to 25 or more other businesses in the United States, regardless of ownership or location.* Yes No

Please indicate if the business will include standardized features as defined in Ordinance 1079, such as the majority of products or services being standardized, similar décor and signs, standard employee uniforms, a standard establishment name, and the like:
Array of Services
Decor and/or Signs
Name or Other Features

Names of Owners, Officers, Partners and Business License Renewal Contact

Owner 1


Owner 2

Emergency Contact

Email Notifications *

Email notifications are only used for messages regarding your account. We do not solicit, sell, or use for marketing purposes.

I would like to receive email notifications in addition to paper notifications I don't want to receive email notifications.

Disability Access

Under federal and state law, compliance with the disability access laws is a serious and significant responsibility that applies to all California building owners and tenants with building open to the public. You may obtain information about your legal obligations and how to comply with disability access laws at the following agencies:
The Division of the State Architect at
The Department of Rehabilitation at
The California Commission on Disability Access at


All businesses with employees must have valid current worker's compensation insurance or a certificate of self-insurance. I certify that in the performance of work for which this certificate is issued, I shall not employ any person without having a certificate of self-insurance or valid worker's compensation insurance.  

I understand as a condition of approval for a business license in the City of Sebastopol, I must obtain Planning, Building and Fire clearance prior to the commencement of business in the City. To the best of my knowledge all information is true and correct. PAYMENT OF TAXES AND FEES DOES NOT CONSTITUTE CITY APPROVAL.  

Business Licenses will not be issued until completion of the application review process and payment of the applicable fees and business license tax.  

License issued under the business license ordinance are not transferrable to new owners  

Business Licenses will be prorated as follows:

  • April 1st – 75% ($67.50 plus $4 State Disability Access Fee)
  • July 1st – 50% ($45 plus $4 State Disability Access Fee)
  • October 1st – 25% ($22.50 plus $4 State Disability Access Fee)

Violation of any provisions of the business license ordinance or knowingly misrepresenting any material fact in procuring a license constitutes a misdemeanor punishable by fine or imprisonment.  

The processing time for a business license application is approximately


By submitting this application, I , under penalty of perjury, that the information given in this application is correct and complete to the best of my knowledge and belief:

Executed the .

Please sign your name below, using the mouse or your touch screen enabled device. To use mouse, left click and hold while dragging the mouse over the signature line.